“A Restoring Health Membership will transform how we support your Personalised WellBeing Journey. By offering consistent care through a simple, value-driven programme, we’ll build lasting relationships and grow together.”

Deborah Harris – Owner Restoring Health Ltd

Get access to Exclusive Restoring Health Offerings and Services

PLUS a host of additional Free Services, Savings & Discounts from a wide range of service providers… see below for more information 

All of this for only £19.99 pm

or pay for a year in advance and get x2 months for free

Full access to Habits for Health for a £75 at no additional charge

Wellbeing Programme for the whole family!

You’ll learn about the biggest challenges we face in today’s world and how they can impact your day to day, and ways that you can overcome them, through progress, not perfection.

You will be guided through each topic and be provide with a 1% progress experiment (a habit upgrade) to help you put your new skills and habits into action. Discover how small adjustments can lead to big transformations.

Get access to Exclusive Restoring Health Offerings and Services

PLUS a host of additional Free Services, Savings & Discounts from a wide range of service providers… see below for more information 

All of this for only £19.99 pm

or pay for a year in advance and get x2 months for free